With over 85 employees operating 75 pieces of equipment over two camps, the Health and Safety of our workforce is the most important value for Wahkash Contracting.
We are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees, ensuring every employee and contractor follows safe working procedures, observes all safety and health regulations, and co-operates in the objective of an accident free workplace.
Safety Officer
Charlene Keats
Charlene leads the Health & Safety Program at Wahkash Contracting, which strives to:
- Adhere to WorkSafe BC regulations
- Implement the corrective actions of annual safety audits
- Have every employee follow the company safety policies, practices and procedures
- Ensure that the employer keeps everyone safe so they can go home to their families at shifts end
Health and Safety is the top priority at Wahkash Contracting.
Health and Safety is the un-compromised right and responsibility of all employees.
Management is committed to ensuring that high standards of environmental safety and
job training are provided. We will use audits to measure and improve our performance.All employees are trained to identify hazards and protect themselves and fellow workers. All workers and contractors must report unsafe acts and conditions.
Every employee has the right and responsibility to refuse work that they believe to be unsafe.
Every employee and contractor working for us must follow safe working procedures, must observe all safety and health regulations and co-operate in the objective of accident free production.
We will actively involve our employees in effective safety programs.
Management of the company is committed to providing the resources and commitment for a safe work environment that meets Legislation and Regulation.
Company Supervisors will be expected to ensure that the Company’s Safety Program is fully implemented per the policies and commitments of the company OH&S Program, and as required by Legislation and Regulation.
All employees are expected to respect and adhere to all the company OH&S Safety Policies and Procedures as outlined in the Company’s OH&S Policy Manual and as required by Legislation and Regulation.
We are committed to the health, safety and well-being of all employees. This comes ahead of production and ahead of cost, important as these are. We will operate in compliance with all Health and Safety regulations.
Safety Committees
Incident Reporting & Investigations
Wahkash Contracting is a small company with a family atmosphere. There are many opportunities to learn new positions and move up through the ranks with dedication and hard work. In the past few years, over 30 employees have been hired at entry level and moved into equipment operator seats or highly skilled positions. Our employees enjoy a competitive wage and comprehensive benefits.